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1、[英] [ˈli:ˌtʃi:] [美] [ˈlitʃi] n. 荔枝。

2、荔枝树相关例句1. The content of gibberellin ( GA ) and indole - 3 - acetic acid ( IAA ) in the young - shoot - tips of litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn. )(46.37K)荔枝 ( Litchi chinensisSonn. ) 嫩梢顶端的赤霉素 ( GA ) 和吲哚乙酸 ( IAA ) 含量很高,叶片转绿、梢老熟时明显降低,以后才开始花芽分化.2. It was the best time for litchi honey though.(12.67K)吃鲜荔枝蜜,倒是时候.3. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.(15.84K)荔枝也许是世上最鲜最美的水果.4. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.(25.63K)荔枝蒂蛀虫是荔枝和龙眼的重要害虫.5. To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.(17.86K)要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.6. Tie - in what fruit hits litchi is juice good? Where is mango?(21.6K)荔枝搭配什么水果打汁好? 芒果 呢 ?7. But we do not come in the litchi ripening season.(14.11K)但却不是荔枝成熟的季节啊.。

