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Spring Boot 2.4.11 正式版发布


9月22日官方发布了Spring Boot 2.4.11版本,此版本包括32个错误修复、文档改进和依赖项升级。


2.1 bug修复

修复默认情况下,执行器端点不会清理 SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON #28045

当过滤器抛出 NestedServletException 以外的异常时,Web MVC 指标出现错误的状态#27988


运行大于 4GB的 Zip64 jar 文件时出现 IndexOutOfBoundsException #27822

多个线程调用时,Binder 转换会间歇性失败#27813

@MockBean结合@Repeat出现“the field cannot have an existing value”错误的结果#27693

修复当存档文件名包含 URL 中保留的字符时,嵌入式 Undertow 抛出 MalformedURLException #9283

2.2 文档

使用 AspectJ weaving 时 devtools 重启不起作用的文档#28071

spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.endpoints 的默认值没有记录 #28061

澄清 Selenium 自动配置需要 HtmlUnit #27920

修复 javadoc 中的错字#27856


spring-boot-starter-parent 配置Java编译使用-parameters的文档#27762

记录如何使用 WebTestClient 参数化 REST 文档的输出目录# 27755

2.3 依赖升级

升级至 Ehcache3 3.9.6 #27951

升级至 Glassfish EL 3.0.4 #27952

升级至 Groovy 2.5.15 #27953

升级至 Gson 2.8.8 #27954

升级至 Jetty EL 8.5.70 #27955

升级至 jOOQ 3.14.15 #28087

升级至 Lettuce 6.0.8.RELEASE #28029

升级至 Logback 1.2.6 #27957

升级至 Maven War Plugin 3.3.2 #27958

升级至 Micrometer 1.6.11 #27910

升级至 Netty 4.1.68.Final #27959

升级至 Netty tcNative 2.0.43.Final #28030

升级至 Reactor 2020.0.11 #27908

升级至 Spring Data 2020.0.13 #27912

升级至 Spring Framework 5.3.10 #27909

升级至 Spring HATEOAS 1.2.9 #27969

升级至 Spring Integration 5.4.11 #27948

升级至 Tomcat 9.0.53 #27961

更多请参见:Release v2.4.11 · spring-projects/spring-boot · GitHub


美国彭博新闻社官网1月7日报道:在巴西进行的后期试验中,中国科兴生物科技有限公司(China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd.)开发的实验疫苗,对新冠病毒的有效率为78%。这是迄今为止疫苗效力最明确的结果,此前的数据引发了”混淆和怀疑”(the most definitive result so far on the shot’s efficacy after previous data sparked confusion and doubt)。

报道称,巴西圣保罗州官员证实,这一保护率来源于中科国际在巴西进行的”最近最后阶段试验”(most advanced final-stage trials),约有13000名参与者参与了实验。这一有效比率低于辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.)和摩德纳公司(Moderna Inc.)研发的mRNA疫苗约95%的有效性。

报道说,与中科国际合作在当地生产疫苗的Butantan研究所所长迪马斯·科瓦斯(Dimas Covas,图2右)表示,该疫苗在”预防轻度新冠病毒病例”(preventing mild cases of Covid-19)方面的有效率为78%,对”对抗重度和中度感染的有效率为100%”(and 100% effective against severe and moderate infections)。他说,该研究所计划在本周五向巴西监管机构申请紧急使用许可。监管机构,即Anvisa,有大约10天的时间来分析相关请求。

报道说,科瓦斯瓦表示,”试验中约有220名受试者受到感染,其中安慰剂组(注:没有药物成份)有160人,接种疫苗的受试者中有近60人”(The trial saw about 220 participants infected -- 160 in the placebo group and almost 60 among those who received the vaccine)。官员们拒绝提供更详细的研究细目,包括年龄组和注射副作用的信息,也没有具体说明完整的文件何时公布。


报道说,由于巴西病毒死灰复燃,圣保罗州州长若奥·多里亚(Joao Doria,图2左)正试图加快疫苗接种速度,而中央政府推迟提出具体的疫苗接种日期。近1100万剂科兴冠狀病毒疫苗(CoronaVac)已经运抵巴西。

报道称,从上个月的实验中得到的”相互矛盾和不完整的信息”(Conflicting and incomplete information),使人们对科兴疫苗在保护人民方面究竟有多有效产生了困惑。巴西的研究人员在12月下旬推迟了关于科兴疫苗的完整数据的发布,只说它的有效性超过了50%。但圣保罗州卫生部长让·戈林施泰恩(Jean Gorinchteyn,图2中)随后表示,”疫苗没有达到90%的疗效”。更让人困惑的是,土耳其表示,其试验显示,估计有效率为91.25%,尽管这是基于只有29例实验。

这篇报道的标题是《Sinovac’s Covid Shot Proves 78% Effective in Brazil Trial》(在巴西试验中,科兴疫苗注射剂验证有效性为78%)。

Java 微服务开发框架 Quarkus 发布了1.13.1 Final 版本,主要变更列表:

#16305 - Explicitly wait for the broker to be running before executing the test

#16304 - Use fixed port for mailer test

#16303 - Be smarter about discarding log messages

#16301 - More consistency for the step names, job name is already descriptive

#16298 - Use the job name in Surefire Reports artifact names

#16297 - Disable live reload instrumentation by default

#16295 - Fix wrong location of Micrometer Prometheus extension descriptor

#16293 - Extend Liquibase IT with includeAll

#16290 - Check whether the project already imports the platform for the added extension before importing it

#16287 - Update OIDC to accept all RS and ES algorithms

#16282 - Only resolve db kind implicitly if we have no named datasources around

#16273 - Fix OidcClient test failure

#16272 - Avoid nasty NPE when trying to open Eclipse IDE

#16269 - Print error message is printed with certificate is self-signed when deploying to OpenShift

#16265 - Until the delayed handler is activated, drop anything below INFO level

#16264 - mvn quarkus:add-extension broken always adding bom

#16263 - Add missing "volatile" to some dev mode handlers

#16262 - Re-add Kafka group.id documentation, deleted in commit 8a56a30

#16252 - Jacoco multi module fixes

#16247 - Upgrade to Quarkus HTTP 3.1.0.Final and related cleanup

#16244 - Update micrometer guide URL

#16239 - Missing Hazelcast logs after change #15636

#16237 - Fix JAX-RS Application class hierarchy handling

#16232 - Fix typo in getting started

#16229 - Upload the Surefire reports as artifacts

#16228 - Resteasy fails to load abstract subclass of javax.ws.rs.core.Application

#16215 - Add token audience param to oidc-client

#16214 - Handle user declared annotation processor

#16210 - Liquibase fails to find datasource when devservices is disabled.

#16200 - UnsatisfiedResolutionException : Build Failed with Mapstruct and Quarkus 1.13.0


Only a handful of contemporary computer scientists, such as MIT professor Josh Tenenbaum, are seriously attempting to incorporate this type of self-organization into artifcial intelligence. Tenenbaum and his Colleagues are working on the "virtual baby project" -a system that would come into the world with the ability to self-generate millions of thoughts and images. These internally generated data would then serve as a basis for learning in the rest of the system, without the need to provide any additional extenal data.  According to this radical vision, even before birth, the foundations of our core brain circuits arise through self-organization, by bootstrappring themselves from a database generated inside the system. Most of the initial groundwork occurs internally, in the absence of any interaction with the outside world; only the final adjusmernts are left to learning, shaped by the additional data that we receive from our environment.

只有少数几个当代的计算机科学家,例如麻省理工的Josh Tenenbaum教授在认真尝试将这类自组织纳入人工智能。Josh Tenenbaum和他的同事们正在研究“虚拟宝贝项目”---这个项目是能在现实世界中自动产生数百万想法和形象的能力。然后呐,这些内生的数据充当着系统其余部分学习的基础,无须提供任何额外的外部数据。根据这一根本观点,甚至出生前,我们大脑的核心回路就是通过自组织的建立,通过从产生于系统内部的数据库中自我提取而形成的。大部分原始的基础工作 是发生在内部的,没有任何外部世界的参与;只剩下最终的判断需要学习,需要我们从环境中接收到的额外的数据来塑造。

Homework today:


A middle-aged woman approached memory specialist for help with a problem .She claimed she was able to recount every day of her life since her teenage years with perfect clarity. If asked when she had first driving lesson, she would be able to recite back exactly what day it happened on, what she was wearing, what she did leading to the event, and everything else happened on that day.

The specialist was far away convinced that she actually had such super memory powers with a considerable number of tests, including brain scan and quizzing about historical data, they had to admit she could do exactly what she said she could.

My opinion:

This is kind of mental disease comes with some drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks for those with hyperthymesia is that they can remember the worst days of their lives in sharp detail. The expression “time heals all wounds” can not apply to them. They relive traumatic events, like losing a loved one as if they are happening again for the first time. Come to the woman, she has started that she still feels bad about things that happened to her over 30 years ago, and although her husband passed away about a decade ago, she often relives the day he died even though she would prefer not do.

Actually, this kind of people have no special abilities for remembering facts that are un related to their own lives. For example, some like this woman would be able to tell you the exact day on which an episode of a television show first time aired as long as she watched. But if asked to memorize a list of words, would be unable to recall the information any better than someone without the condition.

At the final of the class, I was asked “ if you could learn a super mental ability, what would you like to be able to do?”

I think I would like to have power of the “selective recall”, I hope I can filter some traumatic events automatically.

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